Cross Cultural Shamanism

Shamanism is as old as mankind, and every culture on the planet practices some form of it.
Shamans are healers, poets, and activists, and shamanic wisdom is needed more than ever as we are in the midst of a major paradigm shift.

For most of human history, our daily survival depended on being in the right relationship with the natural world. Being disconnected from nature and the web of life leads to most of our problems.

Contemporary Shamanic practitioners seek to re-establish this connection and to be in relationship with nature and the unseen realms. In expanded awareness, the practitioner seeks to receive insights from a non-ordinary reality and guidance from Spirit. Their aim is to use this power and knowledge to help heal individuals, communities, and ultimately Mother Earth.

In the Shamanic worldview, everything, including disease, originates in the spirit world before it manifests physically. Karmic and energetic holding patterns that no longer serve us are revealed and released in non-linear time, so we can heal more fully.

Life challenges and transitions can be eased; strength and courage are fortified by connecting with your own guides. Shamanism is about looking into the deepest parts of ourselves, including our shadows. Rather than repressing these shadows, integration is the alchemical and shamanic path to a more balanced and joyful life. We can renew ourselves and the world by reconnecting to the web of life.

Shamanism offers many powerful ways for self-healing and personal growth. Through deep self-inquiry, we can remember who we are and our soul purpose and share them with the world.
Universal methods such as healing ceremonies, rites of passage, shamanic journeys, and energy clearing are still practiced in every corner of the world.

Elke Savala is a Certified Shamanic Practitioner of the Peruvian Pachakuti Mesa Tradition and has studied many other traditions.