Prana vital life-force
Indo- Tibetan Subtle Body Anatomy
The knowledge of the subtle body is central to healing in the Indo- Tibetan Medical systems. The depth of understanding of the energy system is astounding and often confirmed by Quantum Physics.
This knowledge came from deeply observing nature and intuiting living organisms, unlike in Western Medical science where they studied the dead.
An Amorphous Bio-field surrounds the physical body keeping it protected and healthy. Prana vital life-force energy is flowing through the body via energy channels, or highways called Nadis. Prana carries consciousness and energy to every cell of the body.

Vedic Subtle Body Concepts
Kosha- means sheath, and this sheath, or aura, surrounds the body. There are 5 Koshas that hold the energy of the Five Elements and consist of the physical sheath, energy sheath, mental sheath, intellect sheath, and bliss sheath.
Prana- is the vital life force energy that sustains life. Prana is connected to breath and with Pranayama breath practice we can control and increase this life force.
Nadi- is an energy channel that allows Prana to travel throughout the body. The three main Nadis are:
- Sushumna- is the Central Channel which is connected to the spinal cord and the Chakras.
- Ida- is the bodies left side channel and it is connected to lunar energy.
- Pingala- is the bodies right side channel it is connected to solar energy.
Chakra- can be translated as a wheel of light and refers to energy centers in the body. These spinning wheels of light are along the spinal column and are connected to organs and glands via nerve bundles. The main 7 Chakras each hold a specific color frequency and when blocked can stifle our self-expression and creativity.
Marma Points- are energy power points; There are 108 Marmas, they are considered to be connection points between body, mind and consciousness. Marma points are an effective pathway into the energy network of the Nadis and they can be utilized for Marma-puncture.

Illustration depicting Nadi Shodana
Symptoms of Prana Imbalance
Prana travels through the Nadis. Chronic stress, trauma, injury, accidents and surgery can all damage the Bio-field causing gaps and interrupting the energy flow. This can be experienced as chronic fatigue, depression, burnout, low immunity and disease.
Incoherent deranged Prana can be experienced as anxiety, insomnia, overwhelm, ADD and general lack of focus. A depleted or incoherent energy system negatively effects every aspect of our health.
Regulating the flow of Prana
Allowing Prana to flow freely by breathing slowly and deeply will increase your self-healing capacity. Take frequent walks in nature and slow down to smell the flowers.
Regulating blocked or incoherent Prana through regular Pranayama breath practice can markedly reduces stress, increases energy level, boost the immune system and improve the overall sense of wellbeing.
5 Pranayama techniques
- Nadi Shodana Pranayama (alternate nostril breathing)
calms the busy mind and regulates brain function. - Bhramari Pranajama (humming bee breathing technique)
balances the pituitary and pineal gland and decrease anxiety. - Kapalbhati Pranayama (forehead shinning breathing technique) enhances digestion and circulation.
- Bhastrika Pranayama (breath of fire)
increase digestive fire (Agni) and tonify internal organs. - Udgeeth Pranayama (chanting breathing technique)
regulates the nervous system and slows down the aging process.
Elke Savala is a Ayurvedic Practitioner and Energy Healer