Shamanic Healing
Shamanism offers many powerful ways to healing and personal growth. Through deep self-inquiry we remember how we truly are and our life path becomes illuminated. Elke Savala works with various transformative Shamanic Inka healing methods.
Shamanic Journey
Nothing can expand “reality” more than imagination. Bridging the inner and outer worlds expands your awareness. Through altered states of consciousness we can dream our world into being.
Pacha can be translated as world and there are three worlds in Inca mythology, lower, middle and upper world (ukhu pacha, kay pacha and hanaq pacha). Journeying to these three worlds or realms will feel distinctly different and serve its own purpose. Journey into the past or future is also possible in non-linear time. Sound healing instruments and vocals will accompany you and enhance your experience.
Connecting with your power animals, teachers, guides and helping spirits will comfort you and give you deep insights into your souls journey. As you develop a relationship with your helping spirits you will continue to receive support so that you can resolve difficulties with clarity and courage.
Limpia- Energy Clearing
Hucha is dense, heavy negative energy that can collect in our luminous energy body. Shamanic energy clearing utilizes various tools including feathers, smoke and resin, herbs, branches, eggs, rocks, crystals, fire, staffs, aromatic water and sound instruments such as rattles, drums etc.
Regular Limpia hucha clearing is essential for maintaining a sparkling luminous body and vibrant health. Limpia energy clearing techniques can also be utilized for space clearing.
Intrusive spiritual energies or attachments and negative thought forms can cause emotional distress, pain and disease. Removing these energy attachments requires a deeper clearing called extraction. The harmful energies are removed from the body, transmuted into benign energy and returned to nature. You will feel lighter and freer as if a weight has been lifted.

Personal Power Retrieval
Power struggles, not standing with integrity or not setting clear boundaries can all lead to entanglement and a loss of personal power. Vital life force (Chi or Prana) is linked to your personal power and symptoms of power loss can include fatigue, depression, falling sick or having misfortune. Reclaiming and reconnecting to your personal power will energize you and empower you to move forward in your life with vigor and gusto.
Soul Retrieval
Soul Loss happens when a part of your essence leaves due to experiencing emotional or physical trauma, shock, accident, surgery, or injury. Symptoms of soul loss can include PTSD, depression, grief, addiction, dissociations, feeling ungrounded, loss of drive and direction. It becomes harder to live our soul purpose when we feel disconnected.
Retrieving and integrating soul fragments expands our capacity to feel joy, self-love and compassion. When our soul essence is fully embodied we can live purposefully.
Ancestral Lineage Healing
DNA holds memories and generational trauma can be passed on through the family bloodline. Influence and traits from parents or caregivers (milk line) also shape our beliefs and behavior. Dysfunctional behavior patterns are also often passed down through generations. Releasing and transforming ancestral trauma and dysfunctional patterns will have positive effects on the individual and the entire family tree as well as future generations.
Ceremony and Ritual
Ayni can be translated as sacred reciprocity. In Inca cosmology, keeping balance with Ayni is a fundamental law to live in harmony with each other, the earth and the cosmos.
Despacho can be translated as care package. A Despacho Ceremony is a ritual offering to Pachamama- earth mother, expressing gratitude and restoring Ayni. It is a healing ceremony for earth and nature spirits and at the same time requests can be made to the spirit world.
Apacheta can be built for Property protection. It is assembled from a pile of rocks and resembles a mountain. Apachetas utilize acupuncture points of earth to harmonize the flow of energy of the land. Apacheta serves as a guardian to the property and landscape.
Land protection, house clearing and seasonal rituals can be arranged
Mesa- Shamanic Altar
Mesa means table or altar that is used to arrange sacred objects in a particular order. The five elements are represented by power-objects. The objects hold the energy of the elements and the cardinal directions connected to it. South/Earth, West/Water, North/Air, East/Fire and Center/Ether.
The Mesa is also called the game board of life and engaging with it will strengthen your connection to helping spirits and make it more tangible. Elke can instruct you on how to build your own Shamanic empowered Mesa.

Shamanic Healing Services
Customized Shamanic Session can include;
Spiritual Counseling
Shamanic Journey
Ancestral Healing
Soul Retrieval
Healing Ceremony & Ritual
90 minute Session- $150.00 Book now
Your first Shamanic Healing Session can include;
Consultation- clarifying your needs and intension
Limpia- energy clearing with various methods
Shamanic diagnostic and divination methods
Extraction of energy attachments (if necessary)
Limpia self-clearing teaching you techniques for maintenance
90 minutes Session- $150.00 Book now
Virtual Shamanic Healing Session
Virtual Sessions are available and can include Limpia energy clearing, sound healing, Ancestral healing, spiritual Counseling, journey work and more.
90 minute Healing Sessions- $150.00 Book now
Shamanic Healing Session Package
Three consecutive 90 minute Shamanic Healing
Sessions are recommended to explore deeply and to help you
to create a foundation for your own practice.
Three Healing Sessions- $420.00 Book now
Elke Savala is a Certified Shamanic Practitioner of the Peruvian
Pachakuti Mesa Tradition.
Contact: elke@